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Taking Care of Business

Autorenbild: Claudia saysClaudia says

Read one of my #successful #SoulBiz #bestseller book contributions!

Care to know how you too can successfully prepare for life's emergencies?

Time is a Luxury

Everybody has ideas and plans for their future.

Living a fast-paced life full of enthusiasm (or anxiety), doesn’t leave much room to recognize that time is a luxury, leaving little room for inner balance. Consequences are explosive health and accident quotes in companies or detrimental havoc within a family when an important link suddenly is missing.

“You can't buy life-extensions at the grocery store, so take care of your affairs wisely!” - Claudia Goetschi

Business and Personal Success go Hand in Hand

In the event of a tragedy, business and personal success go hand in hand: How well you’ve invested in yourself, your employees, or your family regarding education and health. Saving money should not be the reason to postpone good health and risk insurance for everyone.

The financial blow long-term will by far be greater than the initial investment.

The same applies to state what you personally desire in the event of an emergency, in case you will become unable to manage your own affairs. Most are unequipped for life when it gives us lemons, especially when facing loss of life, health, finances, or a divorce. They leave us emotionally crushed. Worse, the administrative or economic disasters often left to deal with, puts most through an unnecessary crash-course.

Be prepared for unforeseen emergencies #claudiagoetschi
Taking care of Business | Risk-Management #claudiagoetschi

Are you prepared for an unprecedent emergency?

Less than a year before my mother’s unexpected passing, I asked my parents to give it some thought how they’d wish to be taken care of in case of an emergency or after they’d passed. An uneasy subject initially not well received. But they should have the opportunity to decide freely about their intentions before a disability, family member or health professional had to choose for them.

A detailed Patient’s Power of Attorney plus a Formal Letter of Intent stating, how you wish to experience any medical/financial/legal worst-case-scenarios, your last days or anything in between or thereafter, will definitively facilitate already difficult organizational matters!

Surprisingly however, it will also give everyone involved a great sense of relief and with it - Peace, knowing that all affairs will be arranged (by the appointed person), according to your/their last wishes.

Leaving freely, just like you once arrived. That's the goal!

Don’t wait, decide to get things straight!

If I can help you steer through the jungle of administrative, legal or emotional challenges, I'd be glad to lend a hand.

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Claudia Götschi

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