Claudia götschi
Positive Influencer
Creative Endeavors
I'm excited to announce that my collaborative book project with Jodi Chapman and Dan Teck, bestseller authors of several soulful advice and life stories books, became a # 1 International Bestseller! Gratitude and congratulations to my co-authors and publishers.
Planning to launch my own book and printable products next year, I thought it a splendid idea show-case 3 of my own soulful business articles in their joint-venture. All participating authors are Soulful life and business experts, who have found solutions to life-hacks, and gladly share them with you and other soulful business entrepreneurs. Check out my Blog for a preview of my contributing articles!
To purchase the book, click here.
To redeem your complimentary gift after purchase, follow this link.
To book my Success Coachings, please visit my Shop for Success.
To explore my developing www.heartart.gallery Collaborative Endeavors Plattform, click here! Thank you!
And here's another one of my featured projects:

Have you ever thought about what to do with your beautiful photographs or paintings?
Check out my new creative, Collaborative Endeavors Plattform www.heartart.gallery!
It's my passion to bring you and the rest of humanity back to the ancient and marvellous wonders of Nature!
There is instant healing in visiting woods and connecting to water or other beautiful landscapes.
I try to honor the work of our ancient earth spirits, by capturing their true essence through the lens of my camera.
Along with creative texts, I try to share their story or their message. Because, "Answers are everywhere"! And I will show you how to tap into them. Remember, we are all One.
In order to reach a greater audience, I've decided to launch a print-on-demand platform.
You are welcome to be a part of it! No more excuses, hiding your art in a corner or wait for more site-traffic. No more going it alone.
You will be able to feature 5-10 of your best-selling digital creative designs. I'll only ask a minimal fee to cover (only a small part) of the technical, administrative or marketing support to feature your work on various well-known selling platforms and social media.
Tell me about your potential top-sellers!
A win-win, and we can both go about our business, while letting the suppliers do the administrative work. Note, I only work with climate-friendly suppliers. Write me, or check out www.heartart.gallery for more inspiration.
Looking forward to having you onboard.
To book my Success Coachings, please visit my Shop for Success page. Thank you!

"Openness is your first step to Success!"